Joseph Hubbard operated a General Store near Crow River in the late 1800's,
and had decided to close his store in 1902. Ancil Staples, owner of a general
store in Manannah, decided to buy the merchandise and build a store in Crow
River, taking on a partner, Nellie Adams. In 1905, Ole Jacobson acquired
Adams share of the store, and in 1910, became sole proprietor. Two years later,
a gas pump was installed as cars were being used more in the area. The general
store continued in operation under Jacobson with various clerks employed also,
Henry Hanson, Willie Anderson, A.M. Hoar, and Sidney Haagenson, until its closing
in 1965.

Pictures of the store are on-line
for the years of 1907, 1909, 1937, and 1965 from the files of the
Minnesota Historical Society, as well as other pictures courtesy of Back to History